According to the terminology "Cognition is a term for the mental processes that take place in the brain, including thinking, attention, language, learning, memory and perception" so cognition learning is a long term process with improving human's experiences. Cognition process has many different types. It includes like attention, language, learning, memory, perception and thought.
What Is The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning?
The main principle usage of words and visuals together while acquiring new experiences cognitive theory of multimedia learning is about being more affective than usage of word alone. Mayer is one of the most important researchers and you can see Mayer's cognitive theory of multimedia in this visual.
Understanding how people typically acquire and store new knowledge, as well as the kinds of instructional approaches that best facilitate learning, is made possible by the cognitive load hypothesis. To describe how individuals learn, it makes use of the traits of working memory and long-term memory as well as their interrelationship.
Cognitive load is classified into three types: intrinsic, extraneous, and germane.
Intrinsic load is referred the inherent difficulty in digesting information, regardless of how it is given. Regardless of the impact of extraneous and germane load, intrinsic load stays constant.
Extraneous load is referred the way information is presented and how simple or difficult it is for a certain learner to process . Extrinsic load varies from individual to person.
Germane load is referred the work required to process information into schemas using memory and intellect Thus, germane load is how we store new knowledge in long-term memory.
Cognitive Overload
Cognitive overload occurs when the learner is overwhelmed by a mix of intrinsic, external, and relevant burdens. Even the brightest minds can only comprehend so much information at once. When someone is overwhelmed, they may find it difficult to assimilate new information or make sound judgments. They may fail at a task that, given their expertise and experience, should be achievable.
Technology is inevitable part of the world so being digital teacher has so important role in today’s education world. Especially, teachers have lots of confusion about how to gain an effective digital competence and how they can use this competence in their lessons and classroom environment. When ı read weekly readings and discussion, ı realized my confusions about gaining digital identity and how ı can manage and regulate my lessons with this digital identity. At the end of all readings ı understood if a teacher wants to have a digital identity, this teacher should improve a philosophy. Because, being a digital it is not about well know technology, it is related with improving a philosophy. As a result, all readings gave me some clues how ı can combine my lessons with my digital identity and philosophy.
Today’s world faces to big pandemic so having a digital identity is not far away from here for teachers so we need to integrate and improve our skills in the light of digital innovations. I gained lots of acquirement so ı feel more so motivated because ı believe when ı use these acquirements, my students will feel more motivated and erase language barriers. I can create funny dialogues, games or interactive sources so target language learner can improve their language abilities in my lessons. To sum up, ı always design my lessons with the help of following all digital improvements.
Constructivism is appertaining to process knowledge. It focuses on creating, making and process. Group work is another important factor of constructivism which is concerned with communication and interaction of group members. Because it leads to give change doing discussion and idea exchange. Learners can determine own right way with help of other ideas. They are able to reach different perspectives and catch change of evaluation these perspectives with own perspectives. Another point is that Technology gives chance all societies to reach education environment peacefully and directly so constructivism is main idea of integrating of technological tools. Students are the center of education so teachers are guidance of them with help of technology. Students can take responsibilities, gain problem solving aptitude, and be eager in group working activities. Technology leads to decrease stress level so students feel more activated while taking online classes. There are lots of apps for education environment such as Kahoot, Socrative, PowToon. Flipped learning is good strategy for increasing students’ participation to lessons because students can prepare their strategies before coming the lesson so they feel more confident and active. They are familiar to the topic before lesson and teacher can use authentic materials and at that time students can be part of the acquirement in natural, enjoyable and effective education environment. Today’s world has been fighting a worldwide pandemic so all intuitions have to close and technology gives a chance us to progress education life although there are lots of inequality.
There are few problems such as fake engagement, internet connection, welfare level of society and accessibility to technology. Fake engagement is about unwillingness of students who show fake attendance. They usually close their cameras and they do not give answers. Teachers pushes up them for attending class environment. They are in class, they seem like real listener but when teacher ask something, they cannot give answers.
In conclusion, technology is inseparable part of our lives especially in education life but there is key word being constructivist. Because constructivism is a philosophy so when teachers integrate this philosophy their lesson with the help of technology, they can construct a bridge between acquiring lesson and real life.
How Teachers Should Determine or Regulate Their Lesson Activities
Childhood period is a very different
time period because this period has some, complex basements and lots of people
generally cannot give meaning to this period. Their cognition levels are
changing to their age periods and determine learning basements. For example,
Piaget divided into four stages in children: sensorimotor, preoperational,
concrete and formal according to cognition or other opinions are cognitive
development, social and emotional development, speech and language development,
fine motor skills, gross motor skills developments. These developments give
clues for children’ learning steps and teachers are inspired from these steps
while determining their lesson plans because every age period has different
cognition level and ability.
First year and fourth year children
in primary school are differentiated from each other. Since their attention
span, self-awareness, abstract thinking, interests, knowledge of the world are
certain differences. First year students have limited attention span which is
20-25 minutes so they cannot concentrate to their lesson for 40 minutes. Their
interests depend on visuals and colorful materials. They are more egocentric
and they face some problems in the classroom and they are not aware of school
discipline system and their behaviors. For example, first year children always
want to go the toilet because when they are bored or lose attention to the
class in 40 minutes. Time management is so important for this year. They always
think games. Teacher education’ style should be game and visual centered
learning strategy. They are impatient.Teacher should increase their attention span with their interests. On
the other hand, fourth year students are more aware their situation, rules and
their interests. They are still children but more mature than first class
student. They can keep their concentration level in 40 minutes. Teachers should
keep communication channels and explain every detail about rules, lesson plan
or schedule to them because they always want to feel precious and have a voice
in the classroom. Their cognition level can separate abstract and concentrate
concepts so teachers can use these terms in their lesson plan such as idioms.
They are able to think about their problems and produce solutions to their
problems. Teachers should be the facilitator in this period and their lesson
plan needs to contain student centered practices.
In conclusion, teachers should be
aware of the age factor of students because every age period has special
characteristics. When teachers are aware of students’ age, interests, attention
span, knowledge world, their students will be more active and successful in
their class. Students feel precious not to robotlike and teacher will be more
facilitator and effective with thehelp
ofthese clues.
Language is still a big issue for both learners and teachers. Today’s world nearly millions of people start learning new language, but several people can be successful at acquisition of L2(second language /target language). There are lots of researches and dissertations about how to acquire L2. Acquisition is important detail. Because, acquisition contains all L2 linguistic environmental elements which are called acculturated attitudes, comprehensible input, interaction and negotiation of meaning, pushed and comprehensible output, noticing. These elements are like a compass. For why humans can be motivated and can find their routes with the help these elements while acquiring L2.
Ortega ‘s hypothesis claims that environmental linguistic factors are basic, vital and significant basements of L2. Because, they are determiners and natural ways of acquisition of L2. Input and output relationship, acculturation, interaction and negotiation, noticing are very effective detonators in our linguistic mind. They help you to gain ability and construct bridge between L1 and L2 in natural harmony. In that, only studying grammar, writing or reading of L2 lead to artificial learning environment in our mind so lots of people who are related with mechanical side of language or perfect language can fail speaking or cannot dominate L2.In Ortega’s book there are two examples about this linguistic environment ,they are Julie example and Wes –Alberto. These two examples show that if you a linguistic environment chance, you will face natural acquisition, not learning or memorizing. Because, Alberto has studied for a long time while learning L2, but they cannot be good at L2 usage for focusing only structural part of language not comprehensible, motivational and effective sides of l2. Let’s turn back examples; Julie is an English and she speak fluently English and Arabic. She did not go to Arabic language course. She and Wes have same strategy which is starting from hearing and speaking. There is no technical terms, rules or restraints about language. Firstly, they hear language from native speakers. Next, they create own language grammar rules and apply their all sentences. For example, they use all “ing “suffix to their all sentences in different tenses. Then, they can realize their misusages about L2 from natives. After that they can produce correct usage of L2. Finally, they can speak fluently and be professional at pronunciation and producing new vocabularies in L2. These steps lead to create natural linguistic environment to learners so linguistic environmental factors have big impacts on L2 learner while creating and using L2. They help creating positive atmosphere on learners as far as learners are concerned only grammatical and structural parts of L2.
Finally, linguistic environmental factors are crucial steps of acquiring of L2. Because if learners have mechanic perspective while learning second language, they can be failed or have long process in learning L2 and probably, they can pull out of learning second language. They shouldn’t be related only system or artificial sides of language. They are interested in using language in natural and harmonic atmosphere with the help of linguistic environment factors.
Visuals are very important and effective in our lives.Maybe,humans can not realize its effect on their lives.Because visuals create reality for humankind.They always prefer trusting their eyes and visuals give meaning to the unknowm thing or situation so teachers should give more attention to the visuals and add to their materials in their class.Visuals draw a way which is about from unknown to known.
This video is good example of visuals and ıts importance in our lives:
Today's people show their ten years changing with 10 years challenge photo on social media accounts . What do you think about this challenge?Is it funny ,interesting or dangerous ?Some scientists claim that ten years challenge is part and step to artificial intelligence because it is coding your faces' changings .Most likely,future is gathering people' codes from their today's social media accounts .Some people want to gather some clues about human characteristics with ten years challenge because AI (artificial intelligence) is big impression on on humankind .Maybe ,AI will be very helpful or dangerous like an atom .If human want to use it in good thing ,it will be helpful for humankind or Atom bomb in Hiroshima.We need to wait and we will see in future .
You can find lots of knowledge or opinion about '10-Year Chalenge' from the link;
Are ‘10-Year Challenge’ Photos a Boon to Facebook’s Facial Recognition Technology?
Facebook is one of many companies that has been using facial recognition technology for years. Is one meme going to make a difference?CreditDavid Mcnew/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Facebook is one of many companies that has been using facial recognition technology for years. Is one meme going to make a difference?CreditCreditDavid Mcnew/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Are ‘10-Year Challenge’ Photos a Boon to Facebook’s Facial Recognition Technology?
Facebook is one of many companies that has been using facial recognition technology for years. Is one meme going to make a difference?
David Mcnew/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Facebook is one of many companies that has been using facial recognition technology for years. Is one meme going to make a difference?CreditCreditDavid Mcnew/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
By Jacey Fortin
Jan. 19, 2019
The #10YearChallenge was all fun and memes until last week, when a tweet moved thousands of people to worry: Are we unknowingly helping giant corporations to improve their algorithms for biometric identification and age progression?
The #10YearChallenge gained widespread traction on social media this month. It calls for posting two photos of yourself side by side — one from today and one from a decade ago — to show how you’ve changed. People are participating mostly on Facebook and Instagram, which is owned by Facebook.
Some made jokes, paid tribute to old hairstyles or drew attention to issues like global warming. Celebrities posted glamour shots that showed negligible changes from one decade to the next. (The singer Mariah Carey won this round. “I don’t get this 10 year challenge,” she wrote in a tweet, along with two identical photos side by side. “Time is not something I acknowledge.”)
But one post went viral without featuring any side-by-side photos at all. It was written by Kate O’Neill, the author of the book “Tech Humanist: How You Can Make Technology Better for Business and Better for Humans.”