Today's people show their ten years changing with 10 years challenge photo on social media accounts . What do you think about this challenge?Is it funny ,interesting or dangerous ?Some scientists claim that ten years challenge is part and step to artificial intelligence because it is coding your faces' changings .Most likely,future is gathering people' codes from their today's social media accounts .Some people want to gather some clues about human characteristics with ten years challenge because AI (artificial intelligence) is big impression on on humankind .Maybe ,AI will be very helpful or dangerous like an atom .If human want to use it in good thing ,it will be helpful for humankind or Atom bomb in Hiroshima.We need to wait and we will see in future .
You can find lots of knowledge or opinion about '10-Year Chalenge' from the link;
Are ‘10-Year Challenge’ Photos a Boon to Facebook’s Facial Recognition Technology?
Facebook is one of many companies that has been using facial recognition technology for years. Is one meme going to make a difference?CreditDavid Mcnew/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Facebook is one of many companies that has been using facial recognition technology for years. Is one meme going to make a difference?CreditCreditDavid Mcnew/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Are ‘10-Year Challenge’ Photos a Boon to Facebook’s Facial Recognition Technology?
Facebook is one of many companies that has been using facial recognition technology for years. Is one meme going to make a difference?
David Mcnew/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Facebook is one of many companies that has been using facial recognition technology for years. Is one meme going to make a difference?CreditCreditDavid Mcnew/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
By Jacey Fortin
Jan. 19, 2019
The #10YearChallenge was all fun and memes until last week, when a tweet moved thousands of people to worry: Are we unknowingly helping giant corporations to improve their algorithms for biometric identification and age progression?
The #10YearChallenge gained widespread traction on social media this month. It calls for posting two photos of yourself side by side — one from today and one from a decade ago — to show how you’ve changed. People are participating mostly on Facebook and Instagram, which is owned by Facebook.
Some made jokes, paid tribute to old hairstyles or drew attention to issues like global warming. Celebrities posted glamour shots that showed negligible changes from one decade to the next. (The singer Mariah Carey won this round. “I don’t get this 10 year challenge,” she wrote in a tweet, along with two identical photos side by side. “Time is not something I acknowledge.”)
But one post went viral without featuring any side-by-side photos at all. It was written by Kate O’Neill, the author of the book “Tech Humanist: How You Can Make Technology Better for Business and Better for Humans.”
Voki is a super implementation for school enviroments because it helps voice support to your avatar .Avatars of app are very colorful,interesting and enjoyable.Students are affected very much from these avatatrs .You can load your voice to your avatar.Vokı is used wide enviroments such as advertisements or educational videos.This video is from my voki account ;
Hot potatoes is a programme that prepares test style exam on web page . After then creating of test exam on web ,you can reach everytime ,everywhere and every situation .because you do not need to use internet connection. Hot potatoes has six module while preparing your exam;
JCLOZE :This is about filling the gaps exercise JQUIZ: This is multiple choice tests level JMATCH: You need to do some matching in this basement JMIX: You should create meaningful sentences from mixed sentences JCROSS: Puzzle is composed in this section JMASHER: It helps to create logic
Storybird is interactions tools with your students because you can attract students' interest with story characters .These characters are very colorful , enjoyable and imaginary especially for children and young teenager so teachers can use this application while creating students' story. Both students and teachers are very creative . This is my storybırd trial and account
Powtoon is an animation tool which you can create animation gifs, pictures, figures and characters. Powtoon has both payoff and free choices. It leads to develop your creativity with these animations. You can improve your special course design with the help of Powtoon . Students are affected with effective learning environment and they cancreate joyful, creative and visionary perspective to their courses at the same time. Powtoongives correlation and interaction change to both teacher and students. You have a difficulty while creating your first powtoon process because you need to make an adjustment between your voice speed and video speed. After several trial you can shape your own specific, different and joyful education material. You will be loved teacher by your students with the help of powtoon. You can reach websites from
pinterest pinterest is so popular web page and application among the people.Because they can easily find every detail,information and exercises about their situation .For instance ,an English teacher can find lots of exercise about reading ,writing or grammer and at the same time a chief is able to find a lot of new recipes from world cuisine.It is social interaction page so it is like a social sharing page .ıt is pinterest' s link and
my pinterest page 's link
Kahoot is a learning platform which can reach to all ages groups from everywhere with all technological devices such as mobile phones ,tablets, or notebooks.It is very enjoyable experience for students and teachers.Learners can learn and interact with their classmates.
how can kahoot be played by learners and teachers?
1)you are able to create your kahoot or find other kahoots which is related with your topic from