Ortega ‘s hypothesis claims that environmental linguistic factors are basic, vital and significant basements of L2. Because, they are determiners and natural ways of acquisition of L2. Input and output relationship, acculturation, interaction and negotiation, noticing are very effective detonators in our linguistic mind. They help you to gain ability and construct bridge between L1 and L2 in natural harmony. In that, only studying grammar, writing or reading of L2 lead to artificial learning environment in our mind so lots of people who are related with mechanical side of language or perfect language can fail speaking or cannot dominate L2.In Ortega’s book there are two examples about this linguistic environment ,they are Julie example and Wes –Alberto. These two examples show that if you a linguistic environment chance, you will face natural acquisition, not learning or memorizing. Because, Alberto has studied for a long time while learning L2, but they cannot be good at L2 usage for focusing only structural part of language not comprehensible, motivational and effective sides of l2. Let’s turn back examples; Julie is an English and she speak fluently English and Arabic. She did not go to Arabic language course. She and Wes have same strategy which is starting from hearing and speaking. There is no technical terms, rules or restraints about language. Firstly, they hear language from native speakers. Next, they create own language grammar rules and apply their all sentences. For example, they use all “ing “suffix to their all sentences in different tenses. Then, they can realize their misusages about L2 from natives. After that they can produce correct usage of L2. Finally, they can speak fluently and be professional at pronunciation and producing new vocabularies in L2. These steps lead to create natural linguistic environment to learners so linguistic environmental factors have big impacts on L2 learner while creating and using L2. They help creating positive atmosphere on learners as far as learners are concerned only grammatical and structural parts of L2.
Finally, linguistic environmental factors are crucial steps of acquiring of L2. Because if learners have mechanic perspective while learning second language, they can be failed or have long process in learning L2 and probably, they can pull out of learning second language. They shouldn’t be related only system or artificial sides of language. They are interested in using language in natural and harmonic atmosphere with the help of linguistic environment factors.